Friday, December 13, 2013

It's About TAYLOR SWIFT! ♥

Hi, I'm Taylor. I love the number 13. I was born in December on a Christmas tree farm. I like imagining what life was like hundreds of years ago. I have blurry eyesight. My favorite thing in life is writing about life, specifically the parts of life concerning love. Because, as far as I'm concerned, love is absolutely everything.
I'm easily excited, thrilled, scared, and shocked. I'm 23 now, but I never stopped jumping up and down when something wonderful happens. My biggest fear is getting bad news. Or, letting someone down. I really love showing people what I meant when I wrote a song, so my shows are very theatrical. I knock on wood constantly. I have a cat named Meredith. She's named after my favorite character on Grey's Anatomy, and she's fantastic. I live in Nashville, a magical land where 99% of the people are friendly and courteous drivers who let you in and don't honk at you.
I go into a trance when I'm in an antique store. I don't like it when something or someone turns out to be different than what you originally thought. Like when you're shopping and you find a really cute dress, only to realize it’s actually a strange jumpsuit situation. But I mostly don't like it when it happens with people. I love my friends and I'm always making new ones. I don't really think you can ever stop making new friends or learning about as many new things as possible. I also don't think you should ever take life so seriously that you forget to play.
Music has taken me all over the world, but the fans are the reason it's been so magical. I'm so blown away by how nice they are to me. It's strange to feel so understood by such a large group of people, but I love it. For the last two years, I've been working on an album called Red. I called it that because of the tumultuous, crazy adventures in love and loss that it chronicles. In my mind, when you experience love that's fast paced and out of control and mixes infatuation, jealousy, frustration, miscommunication, and all of those lovely emotions… In retrospect, it all looks red.
I can't wait for so many things. But mostly I can't wait to see you, whether it's in a crowd or a coffee shop. Thank you for listening, showing up, reading, and taking such good care of me.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Make Yourself Happy

1. Have targets and goals

2. Smile always

3. Share happiness with others

4. Willing to help others

 Image result for help others

5. Keep a childlike heart

6. Get on well with different kinds of people

7. Keep the sense of humor

8. Forgive others

Image result for forgiveness

9. Have some really good friends

10. Always work in a team

Image result for team

11. Enjoy the family gathering time 

12. Be confident and Proud of yourself

13. Respect the weak

14. Indulge yourself, sometimes

15. Work from time to time

16. Be brave and Be courageous

17. Finally, don't be a money grubber

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Menjaga Kondisi Tubuh Saat Sedang Sibuk

Kesibukan biasanya bikin tubuh dan kondisi kesehatan kita menurun kalau enggak dibarengi sama istirahat dan makan yang teratur. Meskipun sibuk, jangan lupa buat menyayangi tubuh kita sendiri, ya!

Jangan lupa sarapan
Asupan gizi dan energi yang paling penting ada waktu sarapan. Buat memulai aktivitas kita butuh tenaga dari makanan yang dicerna waktu sarapan, girls. Kalau enggak sarapan pasti bawaannya lemas dan malas beraktivitas, deh. Makanya, jangan lupa sarapan, ya!

Minum vitamin
Buat menjaga kekebalan tubuh waktu lagi sibuk-sibuknya, kita butuh asupan berbagai vitamin lebih dari biasanya. Kalau pun kita enggak sempat makan buah, kita bisa menggantinya sama minum multivitamin. Jangan lupa diminum sehabis sarapan.

Tidur cukup
Enggak usah maksain begadang buat menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan kita. Masih ada hari esok, kok. Begadang malah bikin badan lemas waktu keesokan harinya. Mendingan kita tidur lebih cepat dan bangun lebih pagi. Biar badan tetap fit, tidur minimal enam jam dalam sehari.

Pilih-pilih makanan dan minuman
Kalau sudah tau bakal sibuk, hindari makanan dan minuman yang macam-macam. Misalnya, jangan makan makanan super pedas karena bisa bikin kita diare atau sementara waktu berhenti minum minuman dingin buat menjaga kondisi tenggorokan.

Bersahabat sama cuaca
Cuaca yang enggak menentu bisa berpengaruh sama aktivitas kita. Buat jaga-jaga setiap keluar rumah, selalu bawa payung dan baju hangat atau jaket. Kita enggak pernah tau apakah bakal terjadi hujan atau enggak pada nantinya. Biar aman, cek ramalan cuaca.